Sunday, July 17, 2011

What’s the deal with airline food? I mean, am I right?

Firstly, I find it hilariously ironic (but yet not entirely that surprising) that when I decide to use Mother Nature as an excuse to blog, she laughs in my face by giving me no excuse to do so!
Last weekend, I made a trip home to see some friends and family. For the past few months, I’ve been adopting a new philosophy of leaving my laptop behind when I make these trips home; I am really beginning to appreciate the importance of separating family time and online/social media time. But, naturally, Mamma Nature decided to brew up some fireworks. (That being said, however, that particular storm was quite fascinating to witness, so had I even had computer, I doubt that I would have posted anything.)
After the storm had passed and I was able to head back to my apartment, the sky was filled with the silent flashes of what I have countless heard referred to as “heat lightning”. I told myself, I think I am going to research this phenomenon and then blog my findings!
So I began looking up some info on heat lightning when I realized just how painfully relevant heat lightning is to the title of this blog. Thus far, I have made some reference to the weather in every post (given, this is only my third tumblr post…). I don’t want to tie myself down to any topical rules for myself while posting! Who says this thing has to have any semblance of continuity or relevance? Screw that!
(Not only that, but heat lightning ended up being no where hear as fascinating or phenomenal as I had imagined it was going to be. Check it out for yourself: Wikipedia never lies.) 
But here, now, I sit with a dilemma… Even though I did not want to create a topic trend among my own posts, I have still done so. Not only that, I have titled this particular post with something that is totally irrelevant from its content. As I’ve said, even though I do want to have to confine myself to any topic continuities, I have already begun to create a topical pattern, and I feel bad for all of you because I realize how hard it is to adapt to change.
So, in the interest of weaning you away from the comfort of consistency, I will post something food-related. This is just for you. Yes, you. Feel special—but don’t get used to it! Just sayin’.
Wow thats really Interesting! [sic]

Friday, July 1, 2011

New Justice Stuff!

Well hello there, everybody! What about that weather, eh? I mean, am I right? Am I right?!
Okay. Regardless of your shared enthusiasm or not, I got stuck in the basement of my apartment building thanks to the combination of Campus Security and a tornado warning!
Yay. [/personallackofenthusiasm]
The good news is, though, I happened upon an awesome find regarding the group Justice! They (finally!) released some news about their upcoming album (what’s title has yet to be coined, if I’m not mistaken). Granted, not a whole lot was said about a release date or current completion status of the album or anything, but what they did disclose was the track list!
For those of you interested, it is as follows:
01 Horsepower
02 Civilization
03 Ohio
04 Canon (Interlude)
05 Canon
06 On’n’on
07 Brianvision
08 Parade
09 Newlands
10 Helix
11 Audio, Disco, Video
What I found most awesome about this article, though, is the music video that they appended to the end of the article! [Re-posted above]
If any of you follow Justice, you already know about the single “Civilization” that was released a few months ago. Evidently, a music video has also been made (previously of which I was unaware!) By evidence of Justice’s Youtube page alone, the music video has been in existence since the end of May, and in during that time, the video has amassed well over 700,000 views! 
While the commentary in the video isn’t anything really new, I still applaud the execution, and can’t wait to hear the song in context of the album! I don’t, necessarily, hope that the whole album has laced with this sort of loaded commentary, but the song by itself (especially with the video) is quite enjoyable and epic-feeling (despite its slight cheey-ness/cliche-ness).
I am in no way in a hurry to see the end of summer! But I am, if nothing else, looking forward for the fall to get a listen to this album!
Alright guys! I’ve gotta go back to storm-chasing (via computer). I don’t like it that Security has made everyone go to a room without windows in a basement! While I clearly understand the reasons, I do enjoy a bit of storm watching/chasing. I am well aware of the potential risks.
Okay, for realz. I’m out’a here.